Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q1. Do we deliver direct to homes?

    We deliver coal products to all households throughout Northern Ireland and oil products to households within a 25 mile radius from our Head Office located outside Dungannon. (Please check postcode to see do we deliver to your area). Bulk wood pellets are delivered through Northern Ireland and some regions in the Republic of Ireland. Bagged wood pellets are delivered right across Ireland and the UK.

  • Q2. Is delivery available for bulk purchases?

    If you are interested in a bulk purchase that is not covered in our order online section or if you are a wholesale customer you can contact us direct on 028 8776 1523 or complete our enquiry form

  • Q3. What is the best fuel for multifuel stoves?

    Most stove manufacturers recommend that only smokeless fuel products are used in their appliances and we recommend our smokeless product Hayes Glolite as it gives off plenty of heat and is long lasting. Some customers still prefer to burn bituminous coal in their stove. In all cases please refer to your stove manufacturers handbook for more information.

  • Q4. What types of smokeless coal are available?

    Smokeless coal products are generally one of two types, natural or manufactured. Natural smokeless coal, otherwise referred to as Anthracite, is mined in the same way as bituminous coal but is smokeless in nature while a manufactured smokeless ovoid is made from the fines of smokeless products. Our most popular sellers are our own manufactured Glolite product. These products are blended together with a binding agent and made into an ovoid product that is uniform in size and shape and has a high heat low ash output . For further information you can view our product guide.

  • Q5. What is the best smokeless fuel for open fires?

    Our recommendation as a smokeless fuel for an open fire is our Glolite smokeless ovoid product that is a clean burning fuel that burns to a fine ash. For further information or to try an alternative product you can view our product guide.

  • Q6. What size of bags are available?

    We pack our products in most common bag sizes which are 25/50kg for the NI & UK market and 20/40kg for the Irish market. Other bag sizes are available on request.

Get in Contact

If you would like to find out more about Hayes Fuels and our range of products; bulk coal, prepacked coal, oil, wood pellets and other associated products, please call or email us using the details below.

+44 (0) 28 8776 1523

Dungannon Head Office

+44 (0) 28 9082 5829

Belfast Office

General Enquires

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